Friday, June 8, 2012

Introduction: My Body is Trying to Kill Me

                I’m seriously a big fat mess.  There’s no other way to describe it (as much as loved ones try, which I truly appreciate).  I’m 28 and I’ve had some interesting things happen to me and I haven’t found the best way of dealing with them yet.  I’m not angry right now, but sometimes I do get that way.  I’m also not depressed right now, but I have issues with that as well.
                I’m starting this blog to be up front about everything.  I want this to be a place where I can lay out exactly what I’m feeling without being self-conscious; without worrying what others will think of how I say something or how I’m dealing with something at the moment.  I just want to deal with it.
                I also want to state right off that I know I’m not that only one going through crap. In this day and age, people go through mental and physical anguish all the time.  A lot of people have it worse than me.  Yet for my own safety, this is a place where I don’t want to have to beat myself down for feeling the way I feel and bitching about it occasionally because I don’t have it as bad as some people.  I want to be in the moment and work at what I’m feeling when I’m feeling it; not run away from it or act like, because I don’t have it the worst, that I’m not going through anything.  If you can’t handle it, then don’t read it.  This is the one place where I’m not going to care.
                For just a little background, here’s a list of the things I’ve gone through in the past…oh…three years.  These are all the things I’m going to be touching on (and possibly others, if they come up) in my posts.
-Hodgkins Lymphoma
                -Resulting in chemotherapy.
                -Caused weight gain (go freaking figure).
-Ectopic pregnancy
                -Resulted in a surgery to remove the still living fetus.
                -Resulting in depression and medication.
-Polycystic Ovary Syndrom (PCOS)
                -Resulting in blood test.
                -Causes high testosterone.
                -Causes weight gain.
                -Caused backed up periods and vaginal bleeding/cramps/tissue expulsion when exercising.
                -Causes infertility.
-Insulin Resistance (NOT DIABETES)
                -Causes weight gain.
                -Resulting in taking medicine to process sugars correctly, which causes weight loss.

                My family is full of different kinds of physical and mental medical mischief as well.  I feel bad for my husband having to put up with all of this and the cost of it all, but he is a peach and says that I’m worth every penny (what a sweetie, eh?). 
                So, there’s my background!  Welcome to the Whitney Lea Morse ride!

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